Synopsis of Suicide (original language: german, 300 pages)
Stefan wakes up in his room after a dream. It is the (planned) penulitmate day of his life, October 18th, 1994. Stefan is calm and composed. He smokes a cigarette at the window and follows the hustle and bustle of the street. It could be a very normal day in his life. For a moment he feels the intense sensation of being alive, rarely has he felt is as clearly and as plainly as he does this morning.
Stefan pushes the thought away with all his might. He packs his travel bag an goes to the cafeteria to strengthen himself for a long drive. Whether his neighbours at the table clearly notice that a man who has finished with everything is next to them? After lunch, Stefan leaves.
Once again, he asks himself when the wish for death had overwhelmed him. Had everything started with a trip to Seville?
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